Chris Severs

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About Chris Severs

Chris Severs has been developing anchor systems, resistance bands, handles, and suspension strap training tools since 2009. He developed the Anchor Point Training Overview in 2013. The APT education program became accredited in 2015. Chris has presented the APT overview in workshops to hundreds of trainers across Canada and the US (at last count 35 states and 5 provinces).

The Theory of Neuro Cross Training - Three Principles of Resistance Training for Neural Health

Anchored bands are an ideal tool for training full body resisted movement. The systemized overview presented in this session can be can be applied to working with any bands or cable machine.


1 - Pushing and Pulling Patterns

2 - Rotation and Athleticism

3 - Belts, Harnesses and Drags


© 2018 Functional Aging Institute