Ed Harrold
About Ed Harrold
Ed Harrold is an author, inspirational leader, public speaker, coach, and educator. Ed’s mastery in the science of mindful breathing blends the fields of neuroscience and the wisdom of contemplative traditions into effective strategies to improve health, well-being, and performance. Ed is the author of Life With Breath IQ + EQ = NEW YOU and BodyMindBusiness: The Business Of BE’ing Within. Ed is a contributing editor for Thrive Global, MindBodyGreen & PTOnTheNet, HuffingtonPost, and more. Ed’s Breath AS Medicine Trainings offer Continuing Education in the healthcare, health & wellness, fitness, allied health, and sleep medicine communities. Ed is the Breath Expert for Goldie Hawn’s MindUP organization. Learn more about Ed at www.edharrold.com
Get More Out Of Less: Breathing Fundamentals For An Aging Population
Dysfunctional breathing (DB) is a respiratory condition characterized by irregular breathing rates and patterns that occur either in the absence of disease or as a result of a chronic illness disease. As we learn to move from mouth breathing to nasal dominance, not only are we improving the overall health of our clients, we can do more with less while reducing the risk of injury. When applying nasal dominance during exercise and fitness routines, we exercise our respiratory system first, cardiovascular second, and musculoskeletal system last. Our body is safe in the movement but feels like it’s working harder. Learn the art, science, and application of breath training to improve health, fitness, and exercise performance for aging populations.
1. Understand the benefits of moving from mouth breathing to nasal dominance
2. Understand the benefits of moving from mouth breathing to nasal dominance
3. Learn two breathing techniques to introduce into exercise