Dr. Evan Osar

About Evan Osar
Dr. Evan Osar is an internationally recognized specialist on assessment, corrective exercise, and injury prevention. He has authored Corrective Exercise Solutions to Common Hip and Shoulder Dysfunction and Amazon #1 Best Seller, The Psoas Solution. He developed the Integrative Movement System™, an evidence-based approach to injury prevention, using exercise to enhance recovery after injury, and athletic performance. Dr. Osar is currently in private practice in South Milwaukee, WI, and is an adjunct faculty member at Rocky Mountain University of Health Sciences. He teaches his proprietary approach to health and fitness professionals that specialize in rehabilitation and corrective exercise, medical fitness, as well as posture and movement education. Dr. Osar’s mission is to empower individuals to achieve health and longevity through proper posture, movement, and exercise.
Purpose Over Passion
Have you struggled to find, follow, and fulfill your purpose in life? Thought leaders have bombarded us with the message that living on purpose is as simple as following one’s passion. As appealing as it seems to follow what makes us feel good, passion doesn’t always equate to living a satisfied life. We can be passionate about many things, but how do we ensure we’ve identified our true purpose in life? This keynote presentation will explore, empower, and embolden you to discover your life’s purpose by sharing three key values embraced by those who are authentically fulfilling their true calling.
Objectives coming soon!