Paul Holbrook


About Paul Holbrook

FOUNDER & STRENGTH COACH | MA, CSCS Paul earned his master’s degree in gerontology from the Fischer Institute for Wellness at Ball State University. He interned at the Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University under the direction of Dr. Maria Fiatrone and Dr. Miriam Nelson. Later, Paul trained older adults at the Hebrew Rehabilitation Center for the Aged. He earned his strength and conditioning specialist through the National Strength and Conditioning Association, along with certifications from the Titleist Performance Institute, Original Strength, and in the Functional Movement Screen. In 2005, Paul founded Age Performance, where he continues to develop comprehensive training programs for adults over 40. Additionally, Paul sits on the advisory board of the Functional Aging Institute, frequently giving seminars about physical performance at fitness centers and senior housing developments. He is a long-time Zen practitioner under Zen Master Genpo Roshi and has competed and medaled in the National Senior Games.

Speed and Power Training for the 50 Plus Market

This workshop will give participants a new perspective on both the importance of speed training in older adults as well as the barriers encountered. Mostly, demonstrations on specific rapid training movements using body weight, bands, and equipment will be performed. Additionally, attendees will learn where on the force/velocity scale that older adults should be aiming for maximum results.


1.  Attendees will have a better understanding of the importance of speed of movement for older adults and why that should be a high priority in training.

2. This will be a hands-on workshop where you will learn specific speed and power movements to be used for clients and what progressions and regressions to use.

3.  Attendees will also learn how to program speed and power into their overall program. In addition, they will learn that engaging in speed training will encapsulate so many of the physical modalities that we are responsible for administering to clients.

© 2018 Functional Aging Institute