Pete Mccall

About Pete Mccall
Pete McCall is the National Director of Fitness Education for EoS Fitness, author of Ageless Intensity: Effective Workouts to Slow the Aging Process and Smarter Workouts: The Science of Exercise Made Simple and the host of the All About Fitness podcast. Pete has produced education and content solutions for a variety of health and fitness organizations including, the American Council on Exercise (ACE), the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM), Reebok, 24-Hour Fitness, and Core Health & Fitness. Based in Carlsbad, CA, Pete holds a master’s degree in exercise science and health promotion, completed a Fellowship in Applied Functional Science with the Gray Institute, is a Certified Personal Trainer with ACE and NASM, a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) through the National Strength and Conditioning Association, and has spent a large portion of his career educating personal trainers as a workshop instructor and international speaker.
Dynamic Anatomy
Did you know that your hamstrings help extend the knee? Do you want to know how your adductor and abductor muscles really work? As a fitness professional it is important to understand human anatomy so that you can guide your clients towards success. However, the anatomy currently being taught in traditional textbooks often does not accurately describe how muscles work. This interactive session will help you understand how muscles function during upright movement patterns so you can design exercise programs that produce results.
1. Learn how muscles function during the gait cycle
2. Explain how muscles function to store and release mechanical energy
3. Demonstrate effective strategies for exercising specific muscle groups