Sarah Apgar

Sarah Head Shot

About Sarah Apgar

Sarah Apgar is the Inventor of the Steelhose®, Founder of FitFighter®, Army Veteran, Firefighter, Shark Tank success, fitness professional, mom of 2 little girls, and high octane Public Speaker.

FitFighter® is reinventing loading and lifting with its Steelhose® imbalanced strength and mobility system originally designed for tactical athletes and now adapted for the general public aged 8-80. Sarah and FitFighter® have been featured as industry disruptors in Rolling Stone, Men's Health, Muscle and Fitness, Fox and Friends, Oxygen, and the ESPN Women and Sports Summit.

Sarah holds a BA from Princeton University and MBA from the Tuck School of Business and is a certified group fitness instructor and personal trainer. Passionate about developing lifelong strength in every person, Sarah educates coaches, physical therapists, and the medical community on the importance of imbalanced resistance training and its connection to grip strength, trunk stability, and joint mobility, which are biomarkers of long term health.

Load Smarter & Lift Better: Strength Training Reinvented

Many strength training movements and tools look the same as they did 1000 years ago, and yet we have broad-based evidence indicating that the benefits of loading our body and grip differently in imbalanced and fluid fashions, using the principles of IRT, has countless benefits and is a superior way to build our overall musculoskeletal strength. As we age and evolve over time and our activities and everyday demands evolve with us, there is one principle that stays the same from cradle to grave: strength training with weight load is a necessity to maintain muscle mass, bone health, heart health, and grip strength; to help protect our immunity; and to prevent injury.

Join FitFighter Founder & CEO Sarah Apgar in a groundbreaking new approach to resistance training especially impactful for the functional aging population and walk away with turnkey tools to implement these principles immediately into your programs.


1. Outline the 3 major benefits of Instability Resistance Training (IRT) over stabilized loads, and its impact on grip strength, trunk stability, and joint mobility.

2. Demonstrate a new system of loaded movements and complexes using unstable loads and accessible to all levels of starting strength and grip ability

3. Develop and teach a starter IRT-based program session including activation, mobility, strength, conditioning, flexibility, and simple hand-eye coordination and mindset elements.


© 2018 Functional Aging Institute