Summer Montabone

About Summer Montabone
Summer Montabone has a passion for helping people live happier, healthier lives, and be a voice for women who suffer in silence. Her passion has evolved over the years (established) as a personal trainer (1997), health & PE teacher (1998), NSCA-CSCS (2003), NPC/IFBB Fitness Champion and Pro (2004), and gym owner (2007). Summer has faced numerous amounts of adversity from years of childhood and adult trauma, including, a battle with postpartum depression beginning in 2011. Summer has received several accolades since 2011. Her mission is to help women overcome adversity and embrace their personal pain to be their personal and professional power. Full bio at https://summersfitness.com/about/
Overlooked Pressures Facing Women and Women Fitness Business Owners
There are overlooked or often unrecognized pressures facing females, including female business owners. Summer will share how embracing your own personal adversity can become your personal and professional power. In her 4 Core Concepts, you will learn practical strategies to apply to your own life, as well as, better understand how to help some of your clients with their struggles.
1. Learn how you can better understand and help your female clients with the 4 Core Concepts: Decide, Boundaries, Reframe, and Back to the Basics.
2. Learn how the 4 Core Concepts can help women business owners excel in their business; instead of feeling frazzled.
3. Learn How You can, and help your clients, better balance Fitness, Food, Family & Career, by adapting Summer’s 11 Rules to Regain Control and Happiness.