Virtual Booth

Training the Older Adult (TOA) is an online continuing education provider specializing in training the older adult. Robert Linkul, founder of TOA, has been training the older adult for over 15 years. He owns a successful personal training studio in Sacramento, CA and has taken his TOA Method and made it available to other trainers. He has been “training the trainer” across the globe for the past ten years.

TOA offers online continued education for all trainers, including webinars, live events and even a Complete Course certificate program teaching the TOA Method (five movement patterns and 30 exercises essential for training the older adult). By utilizing progressive resistance (combining bands and weights), a simple way of programming, working with limitations (not around them) he empowers trainers all over the world the opportunity to work with any demographic.

Check out for all our continued education opportunities.

Take a look at anatomy through the eye of a trainer. Robert will take you through the body analyzing the movements and associated muscles. He will identify the primary and secondary movers involved showing alterations in movement patterns to meet many limitations. June 23rd - July 2nd. Discount code “fai10”.